Guthlac B is fully revised, after taking a few days off from it. Onto Azarias and then the three Christ poems from here!
Revisions to Guthlac A completed!
Very excited to say, after re-reading that rousing conclusion, that the revisions to Guthlac A are now done, and that there was not really much to fix in the later parts. That’s nice to see — just some reconsideration of the lineation and stanza breaks. Moving on to Guthlac B, which is not as long, … Continue reading Revisions to Guthlac A completed!…
Revisions continue
Early confidence seems to have given way to later misreading, and I’m noticing a few places where I can not possibly tell what I might have been thinking: “þæt ge mec to wundre wegan motun” (line 370). Totally misreading here. I replaced it with “to when you all are allowed to lift me up as … Continue reading Revisions continue…
Revisions of Guthlac A underway!
I just started the process of getting back to the longer poems, so I’m going to start with Guthlac A, which was originally the second translation produced for the first incarnation of ASNPP. Also, I’ve been thinking a lot about the poem and its translations (making a blog post that I have not quite finished … Continue reading Revisions of Guthlac A underway!…
Vercelli Soul & Body added
I just added a translation of the Vercelli Book’s version of “Soul & Body” [called S&B I by Krapp]. The text is slightly different from the Exeter Book version (II), adding about thirty or so lines at the end, and other throughout. Numerous different words are there as well. I tried to carefully collate the … Continue reading Vercelli Soul & Body added…
The Grave added
A translation of the late verse “The Grave” was just added to the poems under the header “Soul and Body.” The others will follow soon.