Guthlac B is now done

Guthlac B is fully revised, after taking a few days off from it. Onto Azarias and then the three Christ poems from here!

Revisions continue

Early confidence seems to have given way to later misreading, and I’m noticing a few places where I can not possibly tell what I might have been thinking: “þæt ge mec to wundre wegan motun” (line 370). Totally misreading here. I replaced it with “to when you all are allowed to lift me up as … Continue reading Revisions continue

Vercelli Soul & Body added

I just added a translation of the Vercelli Book’s version of “Soul & Body” [called S&B I by Krapp]. The text is slightly different from the Exeter Book version (II), adding about thirty or so lines at the end, and other throughout. Numerous different words are there as well. I tried to carefully collate the … Continue reading Vercelli Soul & Body added

The Grave added

A translation of the late verse “The Grave” was just added to the poems under the header “Soul and Body.” The others will follow soon.