Solomon & Saturn (in all its weirdness) is now finished in first draft, and the resulting text posted to its appropriate page. Now there really is no excuse not to work on the Metres of Boethius from time to time, with some other Exeter Books poems interspersed here & there for a desperately-needed lark.
Riddles are pretty much done
All the extant, non-fragmentary riddles in the Exeter Book are now done, except for 90 (the one Latin riddle, which I’ll do eventually). I did not do what Williamson appears to do, and make generous conjectures about what the fragmentary text actually reads (though he may be basing these conjectures upon an actual encounter with … Continue reading Riddles are pretty much done…
Riddles 1-86 are done
Some are strong, and some are shaky, and some need a lot of revision, but the basic form of the first 86 Riddles are done and have been posted into the “Exeter Book Riddles” page.
Riddles 1-51 are done!
Riddle 40 was a real chore (a bit dull really, though with some fun parts), but with its completion, that brings the first fifty-one Riddles to completion. Eight more will finish the first section, and from there they get rougher, with many incomplete and damaged texts in the second full section. These have been fun, … Continue reading Riddles 1-51 are done!…
Riddles 1-35 now done!
The first thirty-five riddles are now done, in a good first draft form, which will definitely change as I continue to read through them.
Riddles #1-10 are complete
I have been able to squeak out the first ten Riddles, as numbered by Krapp & Dobbie (though I, like many recent scholars, find it congenial to consider the first three riddles as one big one, since they are basically about the exact the same thing, & because the Exeter Book is not entirely clear … Continue reading Riddles #1-10 are complete…