I posted three “new” riddles to a newly-formed “Exeter Book Riddles” page. There you may find riddles 7, 9 & 38. More are on their way, as I work my way unmethodically through the selection, grabbing what interests me in desultory manner.
What’s New?
Two New Riddles added
As if I didn’t have too much to do already, I translated two more Exeter Book Riddles and placed them on the “Shorter Poems” page. These ones are the famous “One-Eyed Garlic Peddler” (#86) and the equally-notable “Key” (#44) riddles. I have long been curious about the strange first riddle of the Exeter Book sequence … Continue reading Two New Riddles added…
Metres of Boethius added
My long-abandoned translation of the Metres of Boethius has been added to the ASNPP. I’m planning on returning to it after Solomon & Saturn is finished in a few weeks, not only adding new poems, but seriously revising the poems that are already there. A question: Anybody know of a more modern edition of the … Continue reading Metres of Boethius added…
Re: S&S ll. 203-215
Nothing more humbling than working your way through a passage and still not understanding what it means. Robert J. Menner charitably calls this passage “the most obscure in the poem” (p. 121), and I see what he means. The grammar is plain, and I’m pretty sure I got the words in the right places, but … Continue reading Re: S&S ll. 203-215…
Old New Poems added
I was looking through my old files and found several poems I had translated a while ago that seemed useful to post in their own pages. “The Ruin” and “Durham” date from the early days of the ASNPP (back in 2008), when I participated in a roundtable on translation with Marijane Osbourne at the Anglo-Saxon … Continue reading Old New Poems added…
Solomon & Saturn is next!
I get a little anxious when there’s nothing to translate. I pulled Robert le Diable out of the library to begin thinking about getting started with that, but i think it would be better to stay with the Anglo-Saxon for the time being. I had a few lines done of Solomon & Saturn from a … Continue reading Solomon & Saturn is next!…