I decided to get the bulk of “The Judgment Day II” posted since it’s been taking me so long to get done. I’m at line 281 and there’s only 306 total, so not much is missing here.
Meters XXII & XXIII posted!
Meters of Boethius XXII & XXIII have been posted in their proper page. That leaves eight poems to go and approximately 500 lines to translate there. I’ve figured out what bothers me about the Meters. They read as if Wallace Stevens had decided to just push a philosophical agenda in his poetry without the wonderful imagery, … Continue reading Meters XXII & XXIII posted!…
Meters of Boethius XXI added!
Hello, it’s been a while, but I’ve been busy with other work. However, today I completed Meters of Boethius XXI and posted it in its proper place.
Page for Judgment Day II added
Nothing’s there yet, but I should have a working translation of the “Judgment Day II” up and running in a day or so.
Meters XX posted!
This was a real chunk of change, but it’s posted at long last on the Meters of Boethius page.
Meters XIX posted
On its proper page, right there at the end. Meters XX coming soon!