Now posted is the very useful charm, “For a Sudden Stitch,” just in case you find yourself with a painful side while hiking or cycling or swimming. Basically good for wherever you are in your Iron Man races.Also posted there is the charm “For Loss of Cattle,” good for discovering your keys, smartphone, or remote.
What they got against little people?
The odd little charm “Against a Dwarf” has been posted to the Metrical Charms page. Still completely at sea about the danger of small people that would require such a routine be taken in their presence.
Not all the herbs listed…
Posted now is the second of the Metrical Charms, “The Nine Herbs Charm.” Not sure all nine of them are listed there, but whatever.
The Metrical Charms has been started!
The extremely convoluted first of the Charms, “For Unfruitful Land” was completed and posted today. My dad (an inveterate gardener) promised me he would try out this lengthy procedure in case his backyard ever proves intractable to his botanical cajolery.
Meters of Boethius completed!
Meters XXXI was just posted on the website, and with that the entire collection is completed. Now to find other things to work on…
Meters XXX now up!
The end is coming soon — Meters XXX is now posted upon its proper page. Just one left to go to have the whole Meters of Boethius translated, and to round off the bulk of what can really be translated on this page. Still working on “The Riming Poem” and that’s going slowly due to … Continue reading Meters XXX now up!…